
The admission to doctoral studies

Admission calendar for the academic year 2024-2025


Documents required for the admission:

All the candidates need to submit the admission file in the period mentioned in the admission calendar. The Babes-Bolyai University does not take into consideration applications submitted after the deadline or incomplete applications.

  1. Preliminary agreement
  2. Consent for processing personal data
  3. Statement/ affidavit signed, regarding the correctness and authenticity of the documents submitted online by the candidate.
  4. Application Form generated at generated at (the application form will be uploaded first on the platform and submitted in original to the doctoral school)
  5. Certificate of Equivalency
  6. Curriculum Vitae
  7. List of scientific publications
  8. High School graduation diploma (certified copy, if the original is written in English, or Romanian;  if the original is written in any other language, a certified translation in Romanian or English is required, together with a copy of the original document)
  9. Bachelor degree diploma with the transcript of records or diploma supplement (certified copies, if the originals are written in English, or Romanian;  if the originals are written in any other language, certified translations in Romanian or English are required, together with copies of the original documents)
  10. Master degree diploma with the transcript of records or diploma supplement (certified copies, if the originals are written in English, or Romanian; if the originals are written in any other language, certified translations in Romanian or English are required, together with copies of the original documents)
  11. Birth certificate (certified copy, if the original is written in English, or Romanian; if the original is written in any other language, a certified translation in Romanian or English is required, together with a copy of the original document)
  12. Marriage certificate (if the name changed subsequent to marriage) or any other document, relevant as a proof of current name  (certified copies, if the originals are written in English, or Romanian;  if the originals are written in any other language, certified translations in Romanian or English are required, together with copies of the original documents)
  13. Copies of the Passport and the Identity Card
  14. If the candidate intends to study in Romanian language, one of the following documents will be submitted: certificate of proficiency in Romanian language, or preparatory year graduation certificate, or documents proving the graduation of at least 4 years of study in an educational institution with Romanian as language of instruction.
  15. Copy of the receipt for the tax paid at Babeş-Bolyai University for the Ph.D admission contest and file processing.
  16. CNRED Certificate
  17. Admission and file processing fee 2023-2024 

The citizens of all other countries members of the European Union, of countries belonging to the European Economic Area, and of the Swiss Confederation can apply to PH.D studies like the Romanian citizens, at tuition paying program at part-time or full time program or state budget financing.

Taxes for tuition paying students for the academic year 2024-2025

Admission exams

Admission examination will be held by the Doctoral Schools in September 2024. The candidate will have to participate to the admission exams organized by the Doctoral School. Only those candidates who are declared admitted will be registered officially as PhD students.

Confirmations and enrollment:

All the candidates which passed the admission exams and fulfilled all mandatory requirements in accordance with the national legislation and university regulations will be included, by the Institute for Doctoral Studies, on the list of candidates proposed for enrollment.

To enroll to Phd all the candidates need to submit the study contract signed in original in 4 copies and the proof of payment for the candidates admitted to fee.

The Babes-Bolyai University does not take into consideration documents submitted after the deadline mentioned in the admission calendar.

Admission to the doctoral program opens the path to obtaining a doctorate in theology or philosophy.

Candidates are required a master’s degree or an equivalent diploma.

Citizens of the European Union, the countries of the European Economic Area and Switzerland can apply under the same conditions as Romanian citizens. Their diplomas have to be naturalized before registration.

Information on enrolment and admission is available on the website of the Doctoral Institute of the Babeș-Bolyai University:

Admission and research topics for each doctoral supervisor:


Systematic theology:

  • The development of Christian dogma
  • History of Reformed Theology
  • Modern Protestant theology

Pedagogy of religion:

  • The teaching and symbolism of religions
  • Sociology of religion
  • Applied ethics

Pastoral theology:

  • Theological anthropology
  • The Church in contemporary society
  • The big questions of life



  • Life and environmental ethics
  • Reproductive ethics
  • Narrative ethics
  • Ethical issues related to the family
  • Principles of the social teaching of the Catholic Church

Recommended literature:

  • Kovács, Gusztáv, Thought Experiments in Ethics, Episcopal Theological College of Pécs, Pécs, 2021.
  • Kovács, Gusztáv, Új szülők, új gyermekek. Miképpen változtatja meg szülői felelősségünket a reprodukciós medicina, Pécsi Püspöki Hittudományi Főiskola, Pécs, 2014.
  • Kovács, Gusztáv, Vértesi, Lázár (eds.), A teremtés értéke – Az ember méltósága, Pécsi Püspöki Hittudományi Főiskola, Pécs, 2017.


Biblical theology:

  • Messianism and eschatology in the Old and New Testaments
  • Discipleship in the New Testament
  • The theology of the Synoptic Gospels and John

Recommended literature:

  • Lészai, Lehel, Discipleship in the Synoptics, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt GmbH., Leipzig, 2017.
  • Lészai, Lehel, Christology. A comparative study of the theologies of Herman Ridderbos, Oscar Cullmann and Leonhard Goppelt, Napoca Star, Cluj, 1999.
  • Lészai, Lehel, A tanítványok elhívása és küldetése a szinoptikus evangéliumokban, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj, 2008.
  • Lészai, Lehel, Az Újszövetség keletkezése és könyvei, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj, 2019.

    Pedagogy of religion:

    • The pedagogy of Sándor Karácsony
    • Online education
    • Quality training of teachers of religion

    Pastoral theology:

    • Pastoral counselling
    • Crisis situations
    • Self-awareness and communication

    Prof. MÓZES NÓDA

    Liturgical history, liturgical theology

    • The 19th-20th century liturgical movement
    • The Conciliar and post-conciliar liturgical reform
    • Liturgy and ecclesiastical art
    • Popular piety and devotions

    Recommended literature:

    • Klöckener, Martin – Kranemann, Gottesdienst in Zeitgenossenschaft. Positionsbestimmungen 40 Jahre nach der Liturgiekonstitution des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils, Fribourg: Academic Press, 2006.
    • Nóda Mózes, “Back to the Mass!” The Active Participation of the Faithful in the Liturgy in the Light of Two Transylvanian Preconciliar Episcopal Writings, ALw 56 (2014) 108-135.
    • Nóda Mózes, Eucharistic Devotion. Historical and Theological Perspectives, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Theologia Catholica Latina 1 (2014) 49–63.
    • Nóda Mózes, Élő liturgia. A II. vatikáni zsinatot megelőző liturgikus megújulás és hatása az erdélyi egyházmegye liturgikus életére, Budapest: Szent István Társulat, Cluj: Verbum, 2012.
    • Nóda Mózes, Zamfir Korinna, Bodó Márta, A II. vatikáni zsinat maradandó időszerűsége, Budapest: Szent István Társulat, Cluj: Verbum, 2014.

      Church history

      • The Romanian / Transylvanian Catholic Church in the 20th century

      Recommended literature:

      • Nóda Mózes, The Historical, Political and Ecclesiastical Backgrund of the 1927 Concordat between the Vatican and Romania, Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 9.27 (2010) 281–301.
      • Nóda Mózes, The Roman Catholic Denominational Education between the World Wars, JSRI 3 (2002) 115-130.
      • Nóda Mózes, Biserica Romano-Catolică din Transilvania în perioada interbelică, Cluj-Napoca: Studium, 2008.

        Prof. KORINNA ZAMFIR

        Biblical themes, early Christianity

        • Hermeneutics and fundamentalism; the social implications of biblical interpretation li>
        • Fate, suffering, death in prophetic and wisdom literature and the psalms
        • Pauline/ early Christian communities and voluntary associations
        • Roles and ministries in the Pastoral Epistles
        • Women in the New Testament and in early Christianity literature
        • The Acts of Paul and Thecla

        Recommended literature:

        • Zamfir, Korinna, Exegesis in a Multi-ethnic and Multi-confessional Region. Challenges and Responsibilities, Sacra Scripta 1-2 (2017) 51–68.
        • Zamfir, Korinna, Metaphors and Perceptions of Suffering in the Laments of the Hebrew Bible, Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Theologia Catholica Latina 2 (2015) 5–19.
        • Zamfir, Korinna, Men and Women in the Household of God. A Contextual Approach to Roles and Ministries in the Pastoral Epistles (NTOA 103), Göttingen: Vandenhoeck  Ruprecht, 2013.
        • Zamfir, Korinna, The Community of the Pastoral Epistles – A Religious Association, in Vincent Gabrielsen, Christian A Thomsen (ed.), Private Associations and the Public Sphere. Proceedings of a Symposium held at the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 9-11 September 2010, Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 2015, 206–240.
        • Zamfir, Korinna, The Acts of Paul and Thecla – Ecclesial, Social and Political Context “Ephemerides Theo­logicae Lovanienses”, 92.3 (2016) 355-380.

          Ecumenical theology

          • Catholic-Protestant ecclesiastical and sacramental dialogue
          • Justification and grace in the ecumenical dialogue
          • Scripture and tradition in the ecumenical dialogue

          Recommended literature:

          • Hietamaki, Minna, Agreeable Agreement: An Examination of the Quest for Consensus in Ecumenical Dialogue (Ecclesiological Investigations), New York: T & T Clark, 2010.
          • Pizzey, Antonia Receptive Ecumenism and the Renewal of the Ecumenical Movement: The Path of Ecclesial Conversion, Leiden: Brill, 2019.
          • Zamfir, Korinna, A katolikus-protestáns egyháztani párbeszéd eredményei, Cluj: Egyetemi Kiadó (Presa Universitară Clujeană), 2007.

          Prof. Tobler Stefan Andreas

          Systematic Theology:

          • Spirituality and mysticism
          • Islamic-christian dialogue
          • Orthodox-lutheran dialogue
          • Human Rights
          • Social inclusion and national minorities